NordicsNext serves as your dependable facilitator and consultant, fostering connections between prosperous European businesses and the dynamic Gulf region. With Europe leading the way in cutting-edge research and sustainable innovations, there’s an immense untapped potential for growth in the Gulf. Our commitment at NordicsNext lies in providing services and partnerships designed to realize a smooth connection with the Gulf market.

Expand your business with us

NordicsNext can help you find investors to relocate your business and help you discover new markets to export your products and services. Furthermore, we have a network of financial and legal experts and solutions to assure your successful and sustainable growth in the Gulf region.

Doing business in the Gulf

The Gulf region is one of the most attractive regions to do business with worldwide. More specifically, the countries in the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) are heading the list of the most competitive emerging economies.

The GCC is a regional economic union comprising the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Robust economic opportunities

The European Union (EU) and the GCC have been working closely together since the signing a comprehensive economic partnership agreement in 1989.

Focusing on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Trade Relations, the cooperation between the EU and the members of the GCC has been very succesful the past years. In 2022 a renewed strategy was launched to develop this partnership even further giving more opportunities for succesful business activities.

Our services & partnerships

Relocate x NordicsNext

We assist in locating investors interested in (co-) investing for establishing a company presence in the Gulf region.

Export x NordicsNext

We connect buyers and suppliers looking for reliable partnerships and possibilities.

Trade x NordicsNext

We help businesses discover new customers and markets for their products and services.

FX x NordicsNext

We provide connections to help you manage international payments and potential currency risks.

We provide connections for tailored legal support for businesses making their move into the Gulf region.

Ready to get started?

There are endless opportunities when expanding your business internationally. The Gulf region offers a business-friendly environment that fosters growth and innovation.

NordicsNext is eager in connecting European businesses to the Gulf. We have got the connections, network and knowledge to set you up. Don’t hesitate and get in touch!